Financial Market Regulation & Technology
Private Clients & Familiy Offices

Caroline Kern

From IT-law and cybercrime to financial market transactions: The attorney with the big picture in mind
CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies UZH in Financial Market Law, Attorney at Law

Caroline Kern primarily advises their clients in the areas of IT law, data protection, and cybercrime.

In addition, she advises companies on capital market law issues and supports them in the planning and execution of capital market transactions.

Caroline Kern completed her legal studies at the Ruprecht-Karls-University in Heidelberg, where she successfully passed the first state examination in 2017. She spent her legal clerkship at the District Court of Konstanz, and during that time, she worked in a large international law firm. In 2020, she passed her second state exam and then worked as a public prosecutor in Germany. She has been living in Switzerland since 2018 and has been working as a lawyer at Pontinova AG since 2021.


2023 CAS Financial Market Law, University of Zurich
2020 Second State Examination
2017 First State Examination

Work Experience

since 2021 Attorney at Pontinova Law
2020-2021 Prosecutor at the Public Prosecutor's Office Waldshut-Tiengen
2019 Legal Trainee at a international law firm
2017-2018 Research Assistant at a mid-sized Law Firm


German, English


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